Mommy Needs a Sick Day

05 Jan

Remember the good old days? When you got sick your mom would call the school, tuck you under a blanket, hand you a barf bucket, and pop in a movie. Or later, you’d call the boss (secretly praying to get her/his voice mail) and ask for a sick day. You’d prepare your hot toddie (hot tottie? Not sure of spelling…you know what I mean though) and curl up with a book on the couch, content in the fact that you’re getting paid.

All that changes when you are a stay at home mom. Maybe other SAHM do things differently, but I don’t have a child care facility that I use. My family lives far, far away. So when I get sick…life has to go on as normal. The kids want food seventeen times a day even if I’m nauseous. They need me to repeat myself four times, with or without a sore throat. Play time is mom-dependant even if I’m tired.

So when I win the lottery, I’m opening a Mommy Sick Day business. Mom’s will call me to let me know they need to call in sick the next day. They will be happy to pay me buckets of money.

I will pick up their kids for a day at the Children’s Museum, a movie, or the beach. Showing up when the kids wake up, and returning them shortly before dinner. Bringing a pizza for dinner if needed. Or I will just stop by for a few hours so mom can nap.

Mom’s can schedule the day for their kids, or can check the “just take them, do whatever, feed them anything you want” box and go back to sleep. I’m assuming from my own illness this week, that this box will be utilized a lot.

Mom’s in my area will gush about how wonderful it is to just be sick. *I’m all starry eyed at the thought of “just being sick”*

Word will spread. Franchises will pop up all over the US and Canada. I will be so rich I will be able to give back.

Or hire a nanny.

It will be a hard choice.

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Posted by on January 5, 2011 in Uncategorized


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