Have Cornish Game Hens, Will Create a Theme

11 Jan

I like to make entire day long themes to make the long winter days more fun for my three preschool children. To help explain this I’m going to take you through my thought processes using *s to indicate internal dialect.

This is your warning. If you don’t want a glimpse into my brain, stop reading now. I admit, it is a scary place.

Last week cornish game hens were on sale, so that automatically put them on this week’s menu plan.

Brad brought them home and I can only assume his thought process went something like this. *geeze our meals are getting weirder and weirder. She knows these are just tiny chickens, right? I wonder if there is a football game on.*

Having never made game hens before I had to bust out my trusty Joy of Cooking book.

*cornish game hen, cornish game hen…here it is. Looks easy, less hen an hour to cook. Ohhhh swedish meatballs yum. I wonder how to cook a whole fish. I don’t have a whole fish. Ooooo I remember going to Medieval Times show in Vegas…we had cornish game hen there. The knights and horses were cool. We ate without forks. There is a fork under the table I need to remember to retrieve.*

I am that scattered. I probably don’t say “ooooo” in my head. I added that for effect.

So I’m thinking about Medieval Times shows and how my kids would love to eat a meal without utensils.

*I could just hack those little birds apart with a big knife. Jousting! The boys would love it. Maybe a bit dangerous. Pillow fights while perched on the rocking horses? Coloring house crests? Crowns!*

I got a bit more thinking in and came up with this fun filled Medieval day for us.

Before lunch we painted crests, during nap time I cut them out and taped them up in the kitchen.

We made up fairy tale stories, Lily’s all included a princess named Lily Belle and Pierce had to have a dragon named Tedzilla.

After naps we made crowns and princess hats by putting stickers, puff balls and sparkle paint on oversized construction paper.

We tried the pillow fights on the rocking horses, but it got too rough. So we switched to racing the horses across the living room. This was fun even though Ted couldn’t rock enough to move his horse. I just pushed him a bit when his opponent wasn’t looking.

Dinner was fun. We wore our hats. We ate our game hens, baked potatoes and broccoli spears with our hands. Everyone was fabulously messy. We laughed uproariously at Pierce’s confusion. Not understanding how to eat his meat without a fork he kept repeating “how do I eat it out? How do I EAT IT OUT?!?”.

*now what? I’m all tapped out on ideas. The castle tent! Ew the carpet over here got peed on. I need a scullery maid. Oh wait, I guess I am the scullery maid*

We set up the tent that is a castle and played prince and princess until it turned into a wrestling match and Tedzilla ripped off everyone’s crowns.

I’m not sure if the kids got any lessons out of the day, or will remember it, but this snowy day was fun regardless. Having a theme is fun, it creates a creative atmosphere, and is a nice change of pace.

I’m looking for other themes to incorporate into our days the rest of the winter. We have a football tent, with Superbowl just around the corner we could do a football theme and serve hot wings and (root) beer. Or a day of fishing in the bathtub followed by a baked fish dinner. My Facebook friends suggested a color theme, or an international day. I’d love to hear your ideas! *shamelessy use and pass off as my own*

1 Comment

Posted by on January 11, 2011 in Uncategorized


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One response to “Have Cornish Game Hens, Will Create a Theme

  1. Jenny Keegstra

    January 11, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Amber, you truly are an awesome mom! I get tired just reading your blog, and thought I was creative making a table fort last week.

    Love the pic!


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